Started in amateur radio in Argentina. First licensed during my teenage years, I made my way up from the Novice class to Intermediate with Morse Code (previous call-sign: LU2HOT )
Made contact with the MIR space station cosmonauts on the 2m band with an IC-32AT handheld and a home-brew 1/4 wave antenna with ground planes. Built my own Packet Radio modem based on a popular design of that time (AM7910 IC.)
After a hiatus of 26 years from the hobby, returned to amateur radio attracted by experimentation with SDR receivers, using a RaspberryPi, and an old laptop. Passed the exam for the Canadian license in November 2019 (Basic with Honors.)
HF/VHF/UHF: Yaesu FT-991A (Base operations)
HF/VHF/UHF: Yaesu FT-857D (Portable/Mobile operations/POTA)
HF: Yaesu FT-757GX and Kenwood TS-930SAT (Vintage operations)
MFJ-939 automatic antenna tuner
Jumbospot for digital voice
Cushcraft MN5B 3 elements Yagi for 20, 17, 15, 12, and 10m bands
DX-B Alpha Delta Sloper for 160, 80, 40, and 30m bands
6m 3el Yagi
2m/70cm Yagi
2m/70cm vertical dipole to work the local repeaters.
Inverted "L" End-fed random length wire with 9:1 unun for 80m to 10m coverage.
Delta Loop for 20m - vertically polarized.
Dipole for 6m - built of aluminium parts of a crutch set.
Tape Meter Yagi-Uda to work satellites in 70cm and 2m bands.
2m/70cm: Icom IC-32AT (This was my first radio and I still have it)
2m/70cm: Baofeng UV-5R
2m/70cm/DMR: Baofeng DM-1801 with replaced OpenGD77 firmware
YRARC - York Region Amateur Radio Club - Board of Directors, Treasurer (2021/2022)
RAC - Radio Amateurs of Canada
The toys
Yaesu FT-991A
Yaesu FT-757GX
Yaesu FT-857D
Kenwood TS-930SAT
Yaesu FT-7800
My first radio
License ID card for my former callsign
My QSL card circa 1984